

Montgomery, TX

Joined DFA:
May 2013

Loving wife, challenging preteen daughter, fussy baby boy.

About Me:
Your average everyday, very incredibly good looking, Director of Operations for a small software firm.

Favorite Flying Beverage(s):
St Arnold Lawnmower, Sam Christmas Ale, or regular ol' Bud Light.

Favorite Flying Music:
The music in my head.

Originally from KC, I love my Chiefs.  This typicaly requires that I make an effort to ignore the press prior to the NFL season, ignore the press during the NFL season, and ultimately give up on my team prior to week 5. But 2013 promises more!
I enjoy the occasional cigar, do not use My Face or Space Book or Tweeter, I drive a sensible car, wear sensible shoes, and listen to talk radio.

Campaign Medals/Ribbons:

April 2014 Bomber Rank #18